
Posts Tagged ‘rivers’

The Silver Birches on the water
Reflecting in its moonlit glow
Floated down the boundless river
Looking for a place to go

Fairies twinkled in the distance
Dancing in their pixie ways
The Birches floated to their music
Looking for a place to stay

The ivy grew in spindly patterns
Growing on the river’s arms
Blocking way for Silver Birches;
Fairies sprinkled down their charms

They moved the ivy from the river
Let the Birches float on by
The Birches danced to Fairy music
Still looking for a place to lie


Currently I’m sitting in the library, attempting to study for a math midterm. Obviously getting distracted by the Silver Birches and Fairies dancing through my mind. This is a different type of poem that I’ve written in that it has nothing to do with death.. or blood.. .. maybe .. :S


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The Elusive One

I tilt my head to soft grey skies
As droplets pelt against my face
I wonder with a numb surmise
If maybe I could catch your gaze

If this crowd of pulsing vigour
Held your warm frame in its cold
As I felt my own frame quiver
I wished your hand in mine to hold

And trudging through this concrete place
I held the gaze of many peers
Of you I could not find a trace
Never in these eighteen years

You’re a shadow making shivers
Running from the light of day
Fighting oceans, seas and rivers
Returning, when I’m turned away

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As sure as the river flows into the sea,

after today tomorrow will be,

the days are numbered but indefinite in ways,

life passes by in a brilliant haze.

Every move we make has doubt and restraint,

as we work to fill our lives with bright neon paints.

Trying to make the most with what we have,

but still wishing for more than we can give back.

Pondering and wondering about the meaning of tomorrow,

pulling in the smiles and pushing out the sorrow,

trying to avoid the biggest question of all,

is life really worth it if we’ll eventually fall?

Struggling to find little meaning for life,

looking for hope to keep our spirits alive.

We’re holding on with everything we have,

and we keep trudging forward as we walk away from the past.

This isn’t one of my best poems, but I think it flows very nicely and has a good meaning. I ponder the meaning of life everyday, I’m just that kind of a person. I have a hard time just going with the flow because I want to know how everything works and the reason behind everything. But I guess I’ve learned to understand that when it comes to life in general, it’s best to not ask too many questions and just do what you need to do. You need to keeping moving forward, and never look back at the hard times. I mean, hard times make you a better person and you definitely understand more about the world by going through those times, but sometimes you just need to not think about all that and just move on. Just keep going and going and going…

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